The following list shows the departments that provide access to analytical instruments and other facilities for research purposes.

Device NameUsage/AnalysisSpecifications
Refrigerated Centrifuge (Sigma 4K15C)Sample centrifugationUp to 20,000 g, 1.5–2 ml tubes, -20 °C to +40 °C
Spectrophotometer with Sipper (AJ Specord 50 Plus)Spectrophotometric analysisLiquid samples, UV-VIS wavelength interface, sipper for sample intake
Microplate Spectrophotometer (Biotek PowerWave HT)Spectrophotometric analysis96-well plate, incubation from RT to 50°C, wavelengths 200–999 nm
PCR cykler (Biometra Tone grad)PCR96-well platform for 0.2 ml tubes, gradient block
Autoclave (Tuttnauer 2840 EL-D)Autoclaving, sterilizationAutoclaving glass and plastic, 121 °C/15 min
Documentation System (Azure C200)Gel electrophoresis documentationPlate size 200×150 mm, lamp wavelength 254 nm, analysis for VIS and blue light
Vacuum Centrifugal Evaporator (Labconco CentriVap)Volatile compound evaporation, sample dryingEvaporation in vacuum, 1.5–2 ml tubes
Homogenizer (Bioreba homex)Plant sample homogenization in plastic bagsHomogenization for nucleic acid isolation, rotational head with bearing balls, adjustable intensity, Bioreba bags required
Homogenizer (Fritsch Pulverisette 2)Plant sample homogenization in ceramic bowlsMortar-pestle principle
Microplate Washer (Tecan)Microplate washing with buffer for serological tests16-pin head for 8×12-well plates, customizable washing sequence and buffer volume
Fluorescence Microscope (Leica DM5000B)Biological sample microscopy, DAPI fluorescenceObjectives 5x, 10x, 20x, 40x, 63x, 100x, camera capture, DAPI fluorescence
Robotic Binocular Loupe (Zeiss Stereo)Macro sample imaging, time-lapse, z-stack0.5x and 1.5x objectives, camera capture, external lighting, robotic control with image processing software
Cryostat (Leica Cm1860 UV)Biological sample preparation for microscopyUVC sterilization, freezing to -40°C, slice thickness 1–100 µm, max sample size 5×8 cm
Refrigerated StorageLarge-volume storage (fruits, vegetables) at low temperaturesComputer-controlled, 1–10 °C
Colorimeter (Konica Minolta CR-400)Colorimetric analysis, PASS/FAIL analysisPortable, 8 mm measuring area, Lab*, XYZ, Yxy scales
Refractometer (Kruss AR4D)Refractometric dry matter concentration% Brix
Cytoflowmeter (Sysmex CyFlow Space)cytoflowmetryPloidy analysis
Device NameUsage/AnalysisSpecifications
Crusher/Shear Millrushing and homogenizing solid materialsCustomizable use
Briquetting PressBriquette (biofuel) production with different input materialsCustomizable use
Pelletizing PressPellet production (feed, biofuel, fertilizers)Customizable use
Muffle FurnaceIncineration at up to 1200 °CCustomizable use
CalorimeterHeat value determination for solid biofuelsCustomizable use
Biofuel Combustion DeviceAnalysis of combustion, emissions, and ashCustomizable use
Thermal CameraRemote temperature sensingCustomizable use
Sieve DeviceSieve analysis by dry or wet methodCustomizable use
CO2 AnalyzerCO2 emissions measurement (soil, compost)Customizable use
InfiltrometerWater infiltration measurement in soil |Customizable use
PenetrometerSoil penetration resistance measurementCustomizable use
OedometerSoil bearing capacity and material stabilityCustomizable use
AASElemental analysisCustomizable use
Device NameUsage/AnalysisSpecifications
Dryer EST 03S Drying of samples at 25–70 °CLarge-volume capacity
Microwave DigestionSample extraction and digestionProcesses up to 15 (or 44) samples simultaneously
Keyence Digital MicroscopeSurface analysis, magnification up to 5000x
Confocal MicroscopeFluorescent and laser microscopyMagnification 100–630x
OximeterMeasurement of oxygen content in air or liquid
HPLCSubstance analysis
CoulometrHeavy metal analysis at ppb levels
Cooling BoxTemperature range 2–10 °CVolume approx. 10 m³
Hitachi electron microscopeMagnification 40-100,000x
Climate chamber Fytoscope (PSI)Growth chambers with climate control
IsotachophoresisAnalysis of polar substancesRoutine detection of K, Na, Ca, Mg, etc.

Device NameUsage/AnalysisSpecifications
Leaf PorometerGas exchange measurement
N-penMeasurement of nitrogen content in leaves
Spectrapen IMeasurement of light intensity and spectral light quality
Spectrapen IIMeasurement of light intensity and spectral light quality
PlantpenMeasurement of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)
Stereomicroscope SZX7Stereomicroscopy

Device NameUsage/AnalysisSpecifications
GC-MSAnalysis of volatile compounds
HPLC-UV/VISAnalysis of organic acids, sugars, polyphenols
ColorimeterDetermination of color parameters for surfaces and liquids
SpectrophotometerAnalysis of antioxidant capacity, total polyphenols content
LyophilizerSample and material drying via lyophilization
Hot-Air DryerDrying of samples/materials at temperatures up to 250°C, with adjustable temperature gradients

Device NameUsage/AnalysisSpecifications
Automatic Colony CounterCounting microbial colonies
Electrophoretic and Transillumination SystemSeparation of selected substances
Dual-Beam UV-VIS PhotometerScanning photometer
Microplate PhotometerGrowth curves for microorganisms (MO), identification of selected MO using Entero-tests, Neferm-tests, Staphy-tests, Strepto-tests, Candida-tests. Selected MO include Enterobacteriaceae, Vibrionaceae, Aeromonas, yeast, G+ catalase-negative/positive cocci.96-well plate, temperature-controlled, wavelength detection at 405, 450, 540, 560, 580, 620, and 690 nm
Refrigerated CentrifugeSample centrifugationup to 18,000 rpm, up to 25 ml samples, temperature range -20 to +40 °C
HPLC-UV/VISAnalysis of organic acids (tartaric, malic), sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose), selected antioxidants (gallic acid, protocatechuic acid, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, vanillic acid, syringic acid, caffeic acid, coumaric acid, ferulic acid, catechin, epicatechin, rutin, myricetin, trans-piceatannol, tyrosol, anthocyanins)
GC-MSVolatile compounds in wine, must; essential oils
HPLC-MSAnalysis of individual phenolic compounds, nitrogenous compounds (amino acids)consultation required
Miura – Fully Automated SpectrophotometerSpectrophotometric analysis—antioxidant activity (DPPH, FRAP methods), total phenolic content, determination of assimilable nitrogen forms in must and wine (alpha amino acids and ammonium ions), polyphenol oxidase, proline, arginine, anthocyanins
Alpha – FTIR AnalyzerBasic analytical parameters of must and wine (sugars, alcohol, tartaric acid, acetic acid, etc.)
Gibertini – Automated Distillation DeviceDetermination of alcohol content, extract, volatile acids, density
Microbiological Analyses in Must and WineAssessment of wine microbiological stability
Vacuum EvaporatorConcentration of solutions
Scanning SpectrophotometerSpectral analyses

Device NameUsage/AnalysisSpecifications
Matrice 210 Drone with Sequoia Multispectral Camera and DJI Zenmuse X5S Optical CameraAerial imaging, orthophotomap and 3D model creation via photogrammetry, multispectral imagingMultispectral Camera Specifications:
Green (550 BP 40)
Red (660 BP 40)
Red Edge (735 BP 10)
Near infrared (790 BP 40)
Optical Camera Specifications:
Photo resolution: 20.8 MP
4K video at 60 fps
CMOS sensor size: 4/3
Lenses with focal lengths of 24 mm and 50 mm, with apertures of f2 and f1.7 respectively
High-Performance PC Optimized for Photogrammetric CalculationsCreation of orthophotomaps, multispectral maps including vegetation indices, and 3D models via photogrammetrySoftware: Pix4D, 12-core processor, 8GB graphics card, 64GB RAM
Prusa MK2S 3D Printer3D model creationPrint area: 20×20×20 cm
LaserCutter, Nova 51Modeling, cutting of veneer, cardboard, plywoodWork area: 130×90 cm, 130W tube power

Device NameUsage/AnalysisSpecifications
Microplate Reader-Spectrophotometer (UV-Vis)Measurement of nucleic acid concentration, OD, growth curvesměření koncentrace nukl. Kyselin, OD, růstové křivky
Microplate Reader-Fluorimetry, LuminescenceMeasurement of nucleic acid concentration, OD, growth curves, specific analyses of microorganisms using integrating fluorescent/luminescent dye to document microbial growth, e.g., in interaction with nanoparticles
Keyence Digital Microscope VHX-6000Microscopic imaging of analyzed samples
Second-Generation Sequencer, MiniSeqSBS technology, metagenomics, amplicon sequencing, RNA sequencing
Real-Time PCR Cycler, Rotor-Gene 3000Quantification of DNA/RNA in samples
Capillary Electrophoresis ABI Prism 310Fragment analysis, sequencing
Real-Time PCR Cycler, Plate-Based, qTowerQuantification of DNA/RNA in samples96 samples per run
Nikon Ni-L MicroscopeMicroscopy of fungal spores and bacteria, primarily for advanced photography of fungal reproductive organs

Contact person: doc. Ing. Aleš Eichmeier, Ph.D.