How to obtain the Confirmation of student status

Confirmation of student status is a frequently requested document required by various authorities or institutions. Newly you do not have to go to the Study Office to obtain it. You can generate the Confirmation of student status yourself after logging into the University Information System (UIS) following the instructions below.

  1. Log into the UIS.
  2. Go to My college and Student’s portal tab.
  3. Click on the Confirmation of student status icon or Confirmation of student status in English.
  4. On the following page you can generate and print two types of confirmation. The button Print electronic confirmation will generate the Confirmation of student status with an electronic seal and time stamp. This confirmation will be generated in PDF format automatically within 60 minutes and you will find it in your Document storage in the UIS. The Print confirmation button will generate a standard paper confirmation that you need to print and have it signed and stamped at the Study Office.

When purchasing travel coupons (public transport card) for the Brno public transport system, you only present a valid ISIC card. The public transport authority of Brno checks your student status and its validity in the UIS and therefore does not require you to present the Confirmation of student status in electronic form or hard copy.

A detailed guide to obtaining the Confirmation of student status (only in Czech) can be downloaded in PDF from the Document server.

What are the options

  • Electronic Confirmation of student status – The electronic confirmation is a fully valid alternative of the Confirmation of student status printed on paper, stamped and signed by a responsible officer. The electronic confirmation is intended for sending via means of electronic communication (such as e-mail to public bodies, electronic data mailboxes, etc.) and has the same validity as the (common) paper confirmation, therefore the state authorities should not reject it. The authenticity and integrity of the Confirmation of student status in electronic form is ensured by the electronic seal saved within the PDF file. The used electronic seal complies with the currently valid legislation, mainly the Regulation of the European Parliament and Council No 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC, known as eIDAS. Due to this, the electronic confirmation has at least the same credibility as its paper form. The electronic confirmation is not primarily intended for printing and therefore does not contain a field for stamp and signature. However, students may request an authorized conversion of this electronic Confirmation of student status into paper form, e.g. at CzechPOINTs. The addressees can verify the authenticity of the conversion directly from the document, by means of a clause attached to the document.
  • Confirmation of student status – standard paper confirmation that you can generate from the UIS by clicking on Print confirmation. After printing, you need to have this document stamped and signed at the Study Office.