Scientific, research and development activities, as well as artistic activities of the MENDELU Faculty of Horticulture belong to systematic and traditional activities pursued by the faculty academics. Scientific, R&D and artistic activities focus on covering the current trends in production horticulture, processing of horticultural crops, and landscape architecture. The individual departments of the faculty deal with various current topics, both through basic and applied research. 

In 2021 the Faculty of Horticulture was involved in 17 different projects, either as project coordinator or project partner. Some of the main national bodies in whose grant schemes the faculty has been successfully receiving and delivering in the long run, include the Ministry of Agriculture, Technological Agency of the Czech Republic, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education, and Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic.

Overview of projects currently under way

DepartmentProject nameProject typeperiod
Department of Breeding and Propagation of Horticultural PlantsSS07020449 – Mitigation of the negative impacts of weather extremes (temperature, wind and precipitation) on the public health and environment in large agglomerationsTA ČR2024 – 2026
Department of Fruit ScienceQL24010298 – Drought and frost resistance of non-traditional fruit species, their cultivation and use in the conditions of the Czech RepublicMZe/NAZV2024-2028
Department of Vegetable Growing and FloricultureQL24010115 – Innovative techniques of apple trees management to increase competitiveness of domestic production.MZe/NAZV2024-2028
Departmenf of Horticultural MachineryQK23020097 – Sustainability of growing procedures in vegetable production using targeted applications and robotic platformsMZe/NAZV2023-2025
Department of Fruit ScienceQK23020046 – Innovative techniques of apple trees management to increase competitiveness of domestic productionMZe/NAZV2023-2025
Mendeleum – Department of GeneticsSS06020153 – Reducing pesticide use in grapevine protection by applying methods of molecular genetics to increase breeding efficiencyTA ČR2023 – 2025
Department of Planting Design and MaintenanceDH23P03OVV001 – Identification, Interpretation and Typology of the Material Structure of Garden Art MonumentsMK | NAKI2023 – 2027
Department of Planting Design and MaintenanceDH23P03OVV053 – Important and unresolved topics of landscape architectureMK | NAKI2023 – 2027
Department of Viticulture and EnologyDH23P03OVV009 – Cultural, historical and natural aspects of terroir in the Czech RepublicMK | NAKI2023 – 2027
Department of Landscape PlanningDH23P03OVV006 – Historical cultural landscape in danger and vision of its development in the context of current landscape changesMK | NAKI2023 – 2027
Department of Vegetable Growing and FloricultureDH23P03OVV044 – History of use and cultivation of medicinal plants as a part of the national and cultural identityMK | NAKI2023 – 2027
Departmenf of Horticultural MachineryFW02020152 – Technology for point application of organic nutrition to the permanent green root systemsTA ČR2020-2024
Department of Viticulture and EnologyQK21010189 – Implementation of ecosystem services with a focus on water balance in viticultural practiceMZe | NAZV2021-2025
Mendeleum – Department of GeneticsQK22010031 – Use of innovative potential of nanotechnology to enhance the rentability of selected areas of agricultural productionMZe | NAZV2022-2025
Department of Viticulture and EnologyQK22020019 – Innovation of integrated and ecological production of fruit and vines in connection with the newly spreading species of harmful organismsMZe | NAZV2022-2024
Departmenf of Horticultural MachineryQK22020032 – Analysis and modifications of compost application schemes aimed at strengthening of the soil protection system within the stabilization of production capabilityMZe | NAZV2022-2024
Department of Breeding and Propagation of Horticultural PlantsSS05010079 – Healthy Buxus – the basis of environmentally sustainable plant protection of historical gardens and parks and public greeneryTA ČR 2022-2025