Every year, the faculty holds or co-organises a number of scientific conferences, workshops, and exhibitions inviting the scientific community, expert professionals, and the public. The purpose of these events is mainly to present and disseminate the research results delivered by the individual research teams and workplaces of the faculty.

One of the regular events is a conference of doctoral students in their 3rd and 4th year of PhD study courses who present the results of their recent dissertation projects and theses. The conference contributes to raising the general awareness of scientific and research activities pursued at the individual departments of MENDELU Faculty of Horticulture.


Trends in Horticulture and Landscape Architecture 2024
The aim of the conference is to present the latest results of doctoral dissertations by students of doctoral programs at the Faculty of Horticulture, as well as to raise general awareness of the issues addressed by the various institutes of the Faculty of Horticulture.

Professional Sections:

1. Horticulture (D-ZAHR, D-EUHO)
2. Landscape Architecture (D-KA)
The results are presented by students in the 3rd and 4th years of postgraduate studies, with participation from students in lower years without presentations. A book of abstracts is published in conjunction with the conference.

1st Circular

2nd Circular

Event Poster

Book of Abstracts

IGA 2024 Conference Results


ECLAS 2023 – Labyrinth of the World

10 – 13.09.2023

The ECLAS 2023 conference in Brno, Czech Republic, issued from the topics of the 2022 and 2021 ECLAS conferences. The discussion on the current global changes and their impact on landscape architecture revolved around a multitude of layers, overlapping and intersecting and leading us to many crossroads.
Crossroads of time, space, mind, and humanity.

We felt a need to identify the main crossroads together. Those on which we had to make decisions: Which turn to take and which direction to follow in the labyrinth of the world? How to further develop our discipline? How to formulate research topics for the future. How to innovate teaching?

conference website
Trends in Horticulture and Landscape Architecture 2023
The aim of the conference is to present the latest results of doctoral dissertations by students of doctoral programs at the Faculty of Horticulture, as well as to raise general awareness of the issues addressed by the various institutes of the Faculty of Horticulture.

Professional Sections:

1. Horticulture (D-ZAHR, D-EUHO)
2. Landscape Architecture (D-KA)
The results are presented by students in the 3rd and 4th years of postgraduate studies, with participation from students in lower years without presentations. A book of abstracts is published in conjunction with the conference.

1st Circular

2nd Circular

Event Poster

Book of Abstracts

IGA 2023 Conference Results


Trends in Horticulture and Landscape Architecture 2022
The aim of the conference is to present the latest results of doctoral dissertations by students of doctoral programs at the Faculty of Horticulture, as well as to raise general awareness of the issues addressed by the various institutes of the Faculty of Horticulture.

Professional Sections:

1. Horticulture (D-ZAHR, D-EUHO)
2. Landscape Architecture (D-KA)
The results are presented by students in the 3rd and 4th years of postgraduate studies, with participation from students in lower years without presentations. A book of abstracts is published in conjunction with the conference.

1st Circular

2nd Circular

Book of Abstracts

IGA 2022 Conference Results


Trends in Horticulture and Landscape Architecture 2021
The aim of the conference is to present the latest results of doctoral dissertations by students of doctoral programs at the Faculty of Horticulture, as well as to raise general awareness of the issues addressed by the various institutes of the Faculty of Horticulture.

Professional Sections:

1: Horticultural Engineering

2. Garden and Landscape Architecture

The results are presented by students in the 3rd and 4th years of postgraduate studies, with participation from students in lower years without presentations. A book of abstracts is published in conjunction with the conference.

1st Circular

2nd Circular

Book of Abstracts

IGA 2021 Conference Results


Trends in Horticulture and Landscape Architecture 2021
The aim of the conference is to present the latest results of doctoral dissertations by students of doctoral programs at the Faculty of Horticulture, as well as to raise general awareness of the issues addressed by the various institutes of the Faculty of Horticulture.

Professional Sections:

1: Horticultural Engineering

2. Garden and Landscape Architecture

The results are presented by students in the 3rd and 4th years of postgraduate studies, with participation from students in lower years without presentations. A book of abstracts is published in conjunction with the conference.

1st Circular

2nd Circular

Book of Abstracts

IGA 2020 Conference Results


DemoGreen 2019

Autorský kolektiv: Musil Martin, Neruda Jindřich, Burg Patrik 
Rostliny v suchých oblastech a klimatická změna

Autorský kolektiv: Salaš Petr, Vlk Radoslav, Burgová Jana, Rožnovský Jaroslav
Trendy v zahradnictví a krajinářské architektuře 2019

Autorský kolektiv: Burg Patrik, Mašán Vladimír, Čížková Alice

Sborník abstraktů
České zahradní umění klasicismu a romantismu v kontextu evropského vývoje (1720-1850)

Autorský kolektiv: Wilhelmová Dana, Damec Jiří
Výstava designu nábytku a květinových vazeb v Lednici

Autorský kolektiv: Tauber Jiří, Svoboda Jaroslav, Martinek Jiří
LED’S play: Hra jako prostředek interpretace

Autorský kolektiv: Sedláček Jozef, Matějka Daniel
LED’s play 2 – Audiovizuální interpretace krajiny

Autorský kolektiv: Matějka Daniel, Sedláček Jozef, Dohnalová Barbora 
Ovocný strom v krajině 2019

Autorský kolektiv: Salaš Petr, Boček Stanislav


Perspectives in European Agricultural Machinery and Robotics

Autorský kolektiv: Mašán Vladimír, Skoupil Jaromír, Pavlačka Roman, Čížková Alice, Pernický Pavel
Trendy v zahradnictví a zahradní a krajinářské architektuře 2018

Autorský kolektiv: Bukovská Pavla, Burg Patrik, Čížková Alice, Mašán Vladimír, Nečasová Jana

Sborník abstraktů
Zahradně-architektonická tvorba 20. století v Československu I.

Autorský kolektiv: Zámečník Roman, Pavlačková Katarína, Vaida Pavel, Nováková Jana
České zahradní umění renesance a baroka v kontextu evropského vývoje (1550-1720)

Autorský kolektiv: Wilhelmová Dana, Damec Jiří
Jedlé květy

Autorský kolektiv: Neugebauerová Jarmila, Brázdová Michaela, Řezanina Zdeněk
Management údržby a ochrany půdy ve vinohradnictví

Autorský kolektiv: Burg Patrik, Mašán Vladimír, Skoupil Jaromír, Čížková Alice, Pernický Pavel
Odborný a školící seminář s tématikou využití pomocných půdních látek

Autorský kolektiv: Salaš Petr, Rožnovský Jaroslav, Rak Libor, Jeřábek Daniel
Odborný seminář pro učitele středních škol Olomouckého kraje s tématikou změn klimatu a prostředí pro farmářství

Autorský kolektiv: Salaš Petr, Červík Blahoslav
Zahradnictví ze všech stran

Autorský kolektiv: Neugebauerová Jarmila, Jurica Miloš, Brázdová Michaela


22. odborný seminář s mezinárodní účastí: Aktuální otázky pěstování léčivých, aromatických a kořeninových rostlin

Autorský kolektiv: Neugebauerová Jarmila, Dobšáková Blažena
Dny zahradní a krajinářské tvorby 2017: Kvetoucí sídla – benefity zeleně na druhou

Autorský kolektiv: Krejčiřík Přemysl, Pančíková Lucie
Trendy v zahradnictví a zahradní a krajinářské architektuře 2017

Autorský kolektiv: Burg Patrik, Dušek Martin, Láčík Jakub, Mašán Vladimír, Nečasová Jana, Voda Patrik

Sborník abstraktů
Po stopách českých prvorepublikových zahradních architektů

Autorský kolektiv: Steinová Šárka, Fencl Petr, Žitná Helena, Ottomanská Stanislava, Zámečník Roman, Martinek Jiří, Kuťková Tatiana
Péče jako podmínka udržitelnosti

Autorský kolektiv: Mašán Vladimír, Čížková Alice, Burg Patrik
Revitalizace zemědělské půdy v oblastech ČR ohrožených suchem

Autorský kolektiv: Salaš Petr, Vlk Radoslav


Dny zahradní a krajinářské tvorby 2016: Zelená infrastruktura

Autorský kolektiv: Krejčiřík Přemysl, Pančíková Lucie
Trendy v zahradnictví a zahradní a krajinářské architektuře 2016

Autorský kolektiv: Nečasová Jana, Mašán Vladimír, Burg Patrik, Dušek Martin

Sborník abstraktů


Trendy v zahradnictví a zahradní a krajinářské architektuře

Autorský kolektiv: Nečasová Jana, Mašán Vladimír, Turečková Jarmila, Burg Patrik

Sborník abstraktů
Festival krajinářské architektury a zahradního umění

Autorský kolektiv: Wilhelmová Dana, Damec Jiří
Krajinářská dílna CZ-IALE

Autorský kolektiv: Lipský Zdeněk, Flekalová Markéta, Šantrůčková Markéta
Setkání s řediteli a zástupci středních škol 2015

Autorský kolektiv: Salaš Petr, Sasková Hana, Burgová Jana, Maier Marian, Juřenová Petra